Center for Sufi Studies, Research, and Publication (CSSRP)
Center for Sufi Studies, Research, and Publication (CSSRP) is an integral part of the University of Sufism & Modern Sciences (USMS) at Bhit Shah, Sindh, Pakistan. It established for academic research on Sufi’s thoughts, teachings, and practices. It is operating with different scientific research and inventive interventions. There is a particular focus on exploring the new methods, standard techniques that enhance the research skills of scholars in Pakistan and over the world. The institution promotes researches on Sufi’s thoughts and teachings that are currently needed to our generations to create viable religious harmony and discourage the extremism and fundamentalism that causes many disappointing incidents almost in every nook and corner of the world. It is functioning on teachings and culture of tolerance which offers relief to people from mental distress, and anxieties. The scientific and pragmatic approach is particularly taken in hands for human beings on earth to bring peace, promote tolerance, and search true enlightenment from thoughts and teachings of Sufi saints. It is believed that the true spirit of all souls connects to constantly strive for heaven on earth. The institutionalization through it would be the best solution to make the pool of intellectuals and address confrontations, religious extremism and intolerance in the present circumstances. It is stimulant on improving research skills, knowledge, wisdom, good behavioral changes and the process of transformations innovations, researches to the generations.
The Research Journal of Sufi Philosophy and Practice Volume - II

Department: Center for Sufi Studies, Resources & Publication (CSSRP)

Department: Department of Computer Science

Department: Department of Business Administration and Commerce

Department: Center for Sufi Studies, Resources & Publication (CSSRP)